CSS Variables, also known as Custom Properties, have revolutionized the way we manage styles and build maintainable, flexible stylesheets. They enable developers to store and reuse values throughout a stylesheet, making it easier to change themes, colors, fonts, and more with just a few updates. In this article, we’ll explore the best practices for using CSS variables, along with some helpful code examples.
To define a CSS variable, you must use the double hyphen (–) syntax. Typically, you’ll want to create your variables within the :root pseudo-class, which refers to the highest-level parent element in the DOM tree. This ensures that your variables are globally accessible.
:root {
–primary-color: #3498db;
–secondary-color: #2ecc71;
–font-size: 16px;
body {
font-size: var(–font-size);
a {
color: var(–primary-color);
button {
background-color: var(–secondary-color);>
In the example above, we’ve defined three CSS variables: –primary-color, –secondary-color, and –font-size. To use these variables, we use the var() function, which accepts the variable name as its argument.
One of the great features of CSS variables is their ability to provide a fallback value. This is helpful when a variable may not be defined or supported by a particular browser. To provide a fallback value, include a second argument within the var() function.
body {
font-size: var(–font-size, 16px);>
In this example, if the –font-size variable isn’t defined, the browser will use the fallback value of 16px.
CSS variables are incredibly useful when combined with media queries and theming. You can quickly and easily update your styles for different devices or themes by redefining the variable values.
:root {
–font-size: 16px;
@media screen and (min-width: 768px) {
:root {
–font-size: 18px;
body {
font-size: var(–font-size);>
In this example, we’ve updated the –font-size variable within a media query. When the screen width is at least 768px, the font size will automatically adjust to 18px.
CSS variables can be combined with the calc() function to create dynamic and flexible values.
:root {
–base-padding: 10px;
.container {
padding: calc(var(–base-padding) * 2);>
In the example above, we’ve defined a base padding value and used it in combination with the calc() function to double the padding for the .container element.
When working with colors, using the HSL color format in combination with CSS variables makes it easier to create color schemes and adjust hues, saturation, and lightness.
:root {
–primary-hue: 210;
–primary-color: hsl(var(–primary-hue), 50%, 50%);
–primary-color-light: hsl(var(–primary-hue), 50%, 75%);
–primary-color-dark: hsl(var(–primary-hue), 50%, 25%);
a {
color: var(–primary-color);
a:hover {
color: var(–primary-color-light);
a:active {
color: var(–primary-color-dark);>
In this example, we’ve used the HSL color format and CSS variables to create a primary color and its lighter and darker variations. By adjusting the –primary-hue value, you can change the color scheme throughout your stylesheet with ease.
CSS variables can be accessed and manipulated using JavaScript, providing an additional layer of flexibility and dynamism. For instance, you can create user-customizable themes by modifying variables through JavaScript.
Change Theme
In the example above, clicking the “Change Theme” button will change the –primary-hue variable, effectively updating the primary color and its variations.
Variables have transformed the way we approach theming, responsiveness, and maintainability in our stylesheets. By following best practices such as global variable declaration, using fallback values, leveraging variables in media queries, working with calculated values, handling colors with HSL, and harnessing JavaScript interoperability, you’ll unlock their full potential.
With this newfound understanding, you can create more efficient, flexible, and dynamic stylesheets that adapt to different devices, user preferences, and themes with minimal effort.
By: Editorial Team
Title: Mastering CSS Variables and Unlocking Their Full Potential
Sourced From: 1stwebdesigner.com/mastering-css-variables-and-unlocking-their-full-potential/
Published Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2023 08:22:50 +0000