How to Insert Pictures and Images in InDesign

InDesign is a powerful tool for creating visually stunning layouts, and incorporating images is an essential part of the design process. In this article, we’ll show you how to insert pictures and images into your InDesign projects, as well asRead More

Where Are Photoshop Actions Stored? (Mac & Windows)

Photoshop actions are pre-recorded sets of editing tasks that can be applied to images with a single click, saving time and effort. They’re used to automate repetitive editing processes, apply consistent styles or effects, and improve workflow efficiency. Actions canRead More

What Is a Slug in InDesign? a Simple Guide

Adobe InDesign is a powerful tool for designing and laying out print and digital media. It offers numerous features to streamline and enhance the design process, and one such feature is the “slug.” The slug area in InDesign serves asRead More

What Is Overset Text in InDesign?

Adobe InDesign is a powerful tool used by graphic designers and publishers to create visually engaging layouts for print and digital media. While working with text in InDesign, you might encounter a situation where the text overflows the frame inRead More

How to Save as PDF in InDesign: A Step-by-Step Guide

Adobe InDesign is a powerful tool for creating visually compelling print and digital publications. When it comes to sharing or distributing your InDesign work, one of the most popular and versatile formats is the Portable Document Format (PDF). Saving yourRead More

How to Turn Off Hyphens in InDesign

Adobe InDesign is a powerful tool for creating professional publications and layouts. One of the features InDesign offers is automatic hyphenation, which helps to improve text flow and readability by breaking words at the end of lines. However, there areRead More

How to Add Fonts to InDesign

Adobe InDesign is a powerful tool for creating professional-quality layouts and designs for print and digital publications. One of the essential aspects of any design project is typography. Using custom fonts in your InDesign projects can add personality, style, andRead More

Psychology in Web Design: How to Use it Right

We all know that psychology is a powerful tool. When used correctly, it can influence and persuade people to take action. In the world of web design, this is extremely important. If you want to create an effective website thatRead More